Tuesday, May 20, 2008

3G iPhone will generate higher sales

According to Paul Carton, the research director at ChangeWave Research, a quarter of the people polled in March who plan to buy an iPhone said that they were postponing the buy until Apple releases a new model (14 per cent) or were waiting for 3G compatibility (11 per cent).


O2 prompts speculation over 3G iPhone

The hype surrounding the iPhone is only getting stronger!


Mobile operator O2 has secured the right to sell the iPhone in Ireland and Britain and last month it cut prices for the most basic version by 100 pounds in the British market.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The real truth about the iPhone

So what's the big break through with the iPhone again?

When the iPhone was first announced, CEO Steve Jobs spewed enough BS to cover a football field full of babies 3 feet deep in baloney, which sounds cool because he could have potentially murdered a football field full of babies, but he passed on this opportunity by introducing the iPhone instead. He claimed that the phone was three devices in one: an iPod, a phone, and an "Internet communications device." Oooh, an Internet communications device?! AWESOME!

It's not three devices in one any more than my laptop is. Using Jobs' loose definition of what constitutes a separate device, technically my laptop can be considered 8 devices in one:
A clock
A calculator
An "Internet communications device"
A phone (I can make voice calls with my modem)
A pornographic media storage device
A video player A word processor
And an "iPod" (see below)

There's no such thing as an iPod. The word "iPod" is a marketing tool for a hard drive with software that plays mp3s. Yeah, doesn't sound so sexy now, does it? And an "internet communications device" is officially the lamest way of saying "it has a browser." So actually it's just a phone that plays mp3s and has a browser. SNORE.

The Nokia E70 not only plays mp3s, video, has a full browser and Wi-Fi, IMAP and POP3 email, and Google Maps, you can even run terminal software to telnet or SSH into remote servers.

Check out this comparison between a 1 year old Nokia E70 and the "brand new" iPhone

All this for only $360

RIM's iPhone Killer: Not Terrible, but No iPhone

This is a good first hand review of the new BB 9000 due out this summer. This comment sums things up nicely "From what we've seen so far, this is the best iPhone-wannabe yet."

The screen resolution is purported to be fantastic so working with NotifyLink should be a very nice experience.

Check it out here: http://finance.yahoo.com/tech-ticker/article/16266/RIMs-iPhone-Killer%3A-Not-Terrible%2C-but-No-iPhone

Friday, May 2, 2008

NotifyLink Support for the Apple iPhone coming this summer

NotifyLink Support for the Apple iPhone coming this summer

NotifyLink for FirstClass now shipping

Yes, the long awaited release of NotifyLink for FirstClass is upon us. Contact your nearest FirstClass or NotifyLink reprentative for details. In summary, it's all there...everything you could want in a mobile client for BlackBerrys, Windows Mobile, Symbian and Palm devices.

Find a FirstClass rep here: http://www.firstclass.com/Divisions/FAV13-0024FC91/?Plugin=FC&OpenItemURL=S047C50D4

FInd a NotifyLink rep here: http://www.notifycorp.com/partners/resellers/index.html

Get the full NotifyLink story here: http://www.notifycorp.com/imap4_solutions/firstclass/index.htm