Thursday, September 11, 2008

Google Apps Premier Edition customers seeing challenges

GOOGLE made a bold move towards "Cloud Computing" with the release of their still in BETA, Google Premier Edition Apps. Prospects are reporting several challenges with the new broswer based application suite.

More alarming are the reports that "bugs" are not being fixed and than customer enhancement requests are met with a stone wall or worse.... Some Google sales representatives are telling customers and prospects that they don't need the features they are requesting and that Google did their research before developing and releasing Google Apps.

We've had one report from an Enterprise user that their suggestion to adopt a "superuser" strategy to deal with onerous corporate password change policies. Google reps replied that this is not necessary and is not being requested by any of our other customers, therefore will not be considered at this time...LOL...really? Because of this one factor alone, Enterprise customer's are turning away in DROVES...from using Google Apps.

NotifyLink works with Google Apps to add the mobility piece of the "mobile worker equation". With any BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Mobile, Palm or Symbian 9.1x60r3, you can use NotifyLink to get email, calendar and contacts bi-directionally synchronized with your server based email/PIM account.

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